Make It Yourself
DIY projects bring me so much joy-- is there anything better than making something yourself that is more natural AND more affordable? Nope. I didn't think so.Don’t Miss These Reader Favorites

Chickens in Your Future, Perhaps?
You’re ready to add a small flock to your homestead (or backyard) and you want to do it right. But where do you start? What’s the first step? And what the heck are you going to do about a chicken coop? Consider this your great-big-everything-you-ever-needed-to-know-about-chicken-coops resource. It includes lots of photos, as well as plenty of dos & don'ts I've gathered over the last 9 years of keeping chickens!
Browse posts below or select another category to explore.

DIY Computer and TV Screen Cleaner

DIY Rock Boot Tray- A Cute Way to Eliminate Mudroom Puddles

Homemade Udder Balm Recipe

Improvised Milking Equipment: An Update

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Homemade Fly Spray Recipe

Why I Don’t Clip Coupons

Homemade Chick Waterer

How to De-Skunk a Dog