A Vintage Revival
In a time of unprecedented technology and ease, many of us are finding ourselves craving something different. We’re drawn to old-fashioned things; a slower way of living life; a handcrafted existence rich with meaningful work.
In an effort to have everything at the push of a button, society has successfully eliminated everything that once helped us to feel grounded, connected, and whole. The things that have brought humanity balance and equilibrium for millennia have been substituted for cheap, shallow alternatives.
We have fast food and microwave dinners instead of homegrown, homemade sustenance. Social media relationships instead of true community. Screen time instead of face-to-face connection. And automation instead of creation.
We’re stressed, depressed, and exhausted. There’s no time to think or just be. We’ve forgotten
how to live with intention and create; we forced to merely react and consume while we watch the people on Netflix and YouTube live the lives we truly want.
It’s no mystery why the notion of “back to the farm” is trendy right now, but it’s my mission to take it beyond chicken-themed décor and shiplap walls. My friends, I challenge you to fully embrace this yearning you feel for a simpler life. It’s time for a shift.
Homesteading is a state of mind, not a location, and while there are many flavors of this
way of life, we as homesteaders all share one common goal:
To return to our roots. To find satisfaction from the work of our hands. To toil and sweat for
something we love. To feed our families with foods that nourishes both body and soul. To leave the herd and grow our dreams. And to truly live our lives, not merely exist.
If that resonates with you, you’re in exactly the right place. Welcome home.

Nice to Meet You
I’m Jill—a city kid turned Wyoming homesteader who helps families who are disenchanted by modern culture create a homegrown lifestyle of their own.
My husband, Christian, and I live on 67-acre prairie homestead with our three free-range children, Mesa, Bridger, and Sage, and an unknown number of farm animals (I’ve lost count).
Not only do I share recipes and encouragement here on the blog, but you can also find me hanging out over on my podcast and our YouTube channel, which provides a bit more candid view of our homestead life. You can read more about our homestead here.
If you’d like a taste of our homestead, we are now shipping our grass-finished beef nationwide. Or if you are passing through Wyoming, stop by our restaurant, the Chugwater Soda Fountain.

Have you heard?
In the weekly Homestead Toolbox Newsletter, you’ll find three to four bite-sized, actionable tips you can put to use immediately around your homestead that week. No fluff. No spam. No junk. It’s been getting rave reviews from the 100,000+ people who have signed up so far, but don’t take my word for it…
“Just wanted to let you know. My in-box is SO full ALL the time — so I decided to unsubscribe from all newsletters… and I unsubscribed from The Prairie Homestead this morning — THEN — I went back and carefully read the letter — and immediately re-subscribed. It has SO MUCH good, useful info — I decided it really IS worth keeping! Thanks for a great read.” –Rosemarie
Plus, you’ll get FREE instant access to my exclusive subscriber-only library of homesteading ebooks, cheatsheets, and checklists as a thank you bonus!
One More Thing...
Thanks for being here. No really, I mean it. I don't care if you're been homesteading your whole life or are just dipping your toe in the water, I'm thrilled to have you following along. I pray this little corner of the Internet brings you much inspiration and joy as you follow your own homestead journey.
Peace, Love, and Mason Jars,