Here I go again... Venturing into another "controversial" subject... I'm such a rebel. Nope, I'm not talking about GMOs, or vaccines, or any of that stuff today. But rather, diatomaceous earth. Whooooooooo.... Crazy, huh? I have such a knack for happening upon controversy in places I'd never expect it. But maybe that's because we live in the age of the internet and even the slightest, silliest things are controversial these days. ...Continue Reading
Showing all results for: organic pest control spray
Homemade Fly Trap
Learn how to make a homemade fly trap. This fly trap is made with repurposed trash, so you don't have to run to the store and buy supplies. It's a great way to naturally control the fly problems at your house and homestead without relying on potentially toxic chemicals. Your mission, if you choose to accept: To fight back against the pests, vegetable-eating insects, and biting bugs on your homestead (or backyard). Rules of ...Continue Reading
Why I Stopped Being Dogmatic About My Diet…
**Please Note** This post is NOT referring to people who must be on certain diets because of allergies or health problems. I fully acknowledge that is a different issue entirely. I've been noticing an interesting phenomenon lately... If you want to start a debate online, mention either religion or politics. But if you want to start an all-out war, start talking about food. I suppose I understand it to a certain extent... Food ...Continue Reading
20+ Homemade Insect Repellent Recipes
Poop. It's a fact of life on a homestead. And poop brings flies. Lots of 'em. Back in the days before I got all crunchy, I used to use loads of chemical fly sprays on my horses... And even though I hadn't fully "awakened" to the world of chemical-free living at that point, I remember it would still bother me when I could taste the fly spray in my mouth after dousing the horses... I've seen questions about homemade insect ...Continue Reading