There’s this thing I like to do where I put my sourdough starter in the fridge and forget about it for 6-8 months.... Call it laziness... call it "too busy"... Call it a character flaw... But I am who I am, friends. Anyway. A few months ago I extricated a very horrible looking sourdough starter from the depths of my fridge. As I attempted to revive it, I realized that perhaps, a handful of you may also be an unfit sourdough ...Continue Reading
Parenting by Subtraction
“Are you SURE we can’t help it??” My son peered anxiously into the incubator as the little beak poked through the pea-sized hole in the shell. The project started 3 weeks prior when my two youngest children (8 and 11) carried four goose eggs into the house with a pleading look. “Pleeeeease mom… can we incubate them?” Our female goose had built a half-hearted nest before deciding she'd rather spend her days cavorting with her ...Continue Reading
Simple Crowd-Pleasing Chili
Chili is such a polarizing dish. Popular? Yes. But everyone has strong opinions as to what makes the best chili.... Beans or no beans? Tomato or no tomato? Spicy or mild? And that's just the beginning... But at the end of the day, debates aside, chili is one of my favorite ways to serve a crowd, especially when time is short. It's easy to get paralyzed by the myriad of possible chili ingredients. But over the years ...Continue Reading
Impossible Arrogance
“We can continue to improve [our meatless product] now until forever, and the cow is not going to get any better at being meat.” -Patrick Brown, Founder of Impossible Foods during an interview with Vox We recently sat down as a family to watch You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment on Netflix… It wasn’t until halfway through the first episode that I realized it was a propaganda piece for artificial ...Continue Reading
Unlocking the Wheat Berry Puzzle
My whole grain journey has come full circle. When I first experimented with baking bread over a decade ago, I was determined I would use 100% whole wheat or nothing at all. (I have a bit of an all-or-nothing personality...) And it was a complete DISASTER. In fact, my family was so traumatized by my inedible bread bricks that they swore off whole wheat for many years. I quickly realized that if I had any hope of switching them over ...Continue Reading