“What if the garden was easy this year?” The thought landed in my brain and I instantly felt uncomfortable. I love hard things. Impossible challenges are my oxygen. When people tell me something can’t be done, their pessimism becomes my fuel. If I’m not climbing a mountain, I’m restless. (read more of my thoughts on that here) I had been reading Effortless by Greg McKeown and when he proposed the idea of ...Continue Reading
Salty Roast Chicken Recipe
I’m not into pretentious recipe titles, but this one is a new low… even for me... I considered calling it “Salt Encrusted Roast Chicken with….” And then I got stuck because there is no “with.” The ingredients are salt and chicken. That is it. (Plus it sounded stuffy anyway.) Anyway... The ingredient list may be humble, but the final dish is spectacular. The magic lies in the technique. I first learned this method ...Continue Reading
Why I Don’t Live Like the Sky is Falling
"I initially didn't listen to your podcast because I assumed it was going to be full of conspiracy theories like all the other homesteading shows... but I'm glad I was wrong!" I stared at the DM and my heart sunk. It wasn't the first time I'd received a message like that. I was torn between feeling grateful that they gave my show a chance and feeling sad. The homesteading movement has changed so much in recent years. A simple ...Continue Reading
Crusty Dutch Oven Bread Recipe
If you would have told my 18 year-old self who HATED cooking that she'd someday write a best-selling cookbook, she would have called you crazy. Little did I know that I'd fall in love with cooking on a windy Wyoming homestead miles from civilization. It's funny how life surprises us sometimes, isn't it? The Prairie Homestead Cookbook celebrated its 5th birthday this week. It's been a best-seller, named an Amazon Editor's Pick, ...Continue Reading
How to Revive an Old Sourdough Starter (even if it’s been months)
There’s this thing I like to do where I put my sourdough starter in the fridge and forget about it for 6-8 months.... Call it laziness... call it "too busy"... Call it a character flaw... But I am who I am, friends. Anyway. A few months ago I extricated a very horrible looking sourdough starter from the depths of my fridge. As I attempted to revive it, I realized that perhaps, a handful of you may also be an unfit sourdough ...Continue Reading