I dropped a bit of a bombshell on social media beforehand...Yes, we’re selling the soda fountain. The announcement surprised a lot of people and since many of you have been following the soda fountain's story from the beginning, I wanted to share the behind-the-scenes of this decision today. In case you need to catch up on our soda fountain journey, check out these: We Bought a 107 Year Old Restaurant (video) Getting Ready ...Continue Reading
Old-Fashioned Hand Pies with Fruit Filling
I walked into Hobby Lobby last week and stopped dead in my tracks. Disorientation washed over me as I stared at the gigantic Easter displays. “Wait… have we had Valentine’s Day yet?!” After a moment of contemplation I determined that we, in fact, have NOT yet had Valentine’s Day. (You’re welcome for that Public Service Announcement.) So anyway, I’m the absolute worst at holidays. I can’t count the number of times I’ve ...Continue Reading
The 5 Biggest Seed-Starting Mistakes Homesteaders Make
I paused as I dumped the mound of seed packets and tiny baggies on the table. I felt it. Finally. 2023 was intense. As the year drew to a close, I was feeling burned out with basically everything: Cooking… writing… working… people… and yes, even gardening. As I put the gardens to bed last fall, I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. “It’s over.” I closed the cedar gate and didn’t look back. As winter took hold and the ...Continue Reading
Confessions of a Fun Hater
“What do you do for fun?” The question came in the middle of an interview and caught me off guard. I blinked at the interviewer as I stammered… “Eh, well… ha. I’m not sure? I mean… I have fun but not in the regular ways… Um, I guess I work for fun? *nervous laughter*" It wasn’t my most shining moment. You see, I’m not good at recreation. At least not in the conventional sense. Passive amusements like movies, ...Continue Reading
How to Organize Your Garden Seed Collection
Tis the season for fresh garden dreams and pretty seed catalogs. I ordered my seeds last night and just like clockwork I went from not thinking about the garden in months to wild-eyed excited for the coming year. I know many of you are also gearing up to garden plan, so may I offer a simple suggestion? Before you pull out your credit card and ordering the latest and greatest varieties, take a moment to inventory your seed ...Continue Reading