Have you ever heard of einkorn flour? I’m always late to new trends and I can admit that it took me quite a while to catch onto the idea of using einkorn flour in my baking.
Einkorn flour has been generating quite the buzz these days. If you’ve been curious about using einkorn, but you’re not quite sure how to get started, you’re in the right place.
Einkorn is an ancient grain that has some awesome health benefits (you can read about some of them here). It’s being touted as a more nutritious option that is better for people with gluten intolerance and it is a more natural choice if you’re going to cook and make baked goods.
However, if you have only used regular all-purpose flour, it can take a little bit of practice to get used to einkorn. I have talked to more than one person that started out excited about buying their first bag of einkorn, but then made their first loaf of bread and ended up a little bit disappointed when the results were less than appealing.
That is why I am going to share exactly what you need to know to get started using this ancient flour to make bread and baked goods your family will enjoy. If you prefer listening rather than reading, I talk about einkorn flour in my podcast episode here:
What Exactly is Einkorn and Ancient Grains?
Sometimes I think this topic can be a little bit confusing, so let’s get started with a little background information and talk about what ancient grains are.
I like to think of ancient grains as being similar to heirloom vegetables: they are grains that have not been tinkered with or hybridized over the years. Both ancient grains and heirloom vegetables are things that have been maintained by gardeners/farmers/homesteaders for many years in an effort to keep them as-is.
The downfall here is that ancient grains aren’t well suited for modern large-scale agriculture operations because they haven’t been selectively bred to reduce disease or to be drought tolerant. So you’re not going to find your average wheat farmer incorporating einkorn in large quantities in their field.
The result of not having all that hybridization, however, is that they are actually really good for us.
Benefits of Einkorn and Ancient Grains
- Wheat Intolerance Issues
Many people have found that if they have trouble digesting modern wheat, they usually can often handle einkorn without an issue. - Adds Nutrients to Baked Goods
Einkorn flour adds protein, fiber, and minerals to your baked goods. - Richer Flavor
I personally love baking with einkorn because it gives the baked goods a very rich, nutty flavor. It’s way tastier than your typical white flour.
Why is Einkorn Flour Not Popular
The question that I think needs to be asked here is, “Why aren’t ancient grains more popular?” Why haven’t we seen them hit the market and become a bigger trend?
There are a few things to keep in mind as you’re venturing into Einkorn or other ancient grains for the first time: they can be a little bit fickle to work with in the kitchen. They give us that wonderful full flavor and they’re more nutritious, but einkorn, in particular, does not have the same baking qualities of conventional flour.
Einkorn flour can be more challenging to work with. For example, you’re going to find it doesn’t rise quite as high. The crumb is also a little heavier. That’s not to say you can’t have amazing results with Einkorn, but there is a little bit of a learning curve.
Another thing to consider when you are looking at starting to use einkorn flour in your kitchen is that it comes with a slightly higher price tag than other flour options.
If you have been on this homesteading journey for any amount of time, then you’re probably well acquainted with the idea of paying a bit more for higher-quality ingredients. I think it’s worth it to buy these high quality ingredients that are better for us and more ethically produced. You can learn more about why I think it’s important to buy local food sources and good-quality ingredients here.
For me, yes, einkorn costs a little bit more than the cheap bleached flour at the grocery store, but truly there is no comparison with the taste, nutrients, and quality. I really enjoy baking with einkorn.
Storing Ground Einkorn Flour
Just a reminder: if you are buying ground whole wheat einkorn flour, you will want to be really mindful of how you store it. As with all whole wheat flours, they tend to go rancid quickly. This doesn’t mean that they’re inferior or that you shouldn’t use them.
Ground whole wheat flour is full of its’ natural oils, germ, and bran, which causes it to go bad more quickly. So if you are going to purchase einkorn flour in pre-ground form, I would suggest getting either the all-purpose einkorn flour or keeping your whole wheat einkorn flour in the freezer when it’s not in use.
If you are 100% wanting to start using einkorn for all of your from-scratch meals from now on, another alternative is to invest in a grain mill and purchase einkorn berries and then grind the berries as you need them.
If you are interested in learning more about grain mills and grinding whole wheat/grain berries, take a look at my article on How to Use a Grain Mill to Make Your Own Flour from Wheat Berries. This will ensure that you have the very freshest flour available and probably save you some money in the long run.
Baking with Einkorn Flour
Let’s walk through some of the basics for baking with Einkorn flour. As mentioned earlier, Einkorn definitely acts differently than other types of flour. It’s really important to remember this and keep it in mind. You cannot (usually) take a regular wheat flour bread recipe and replace the wheat flour with einkorn without making some adjustments.
Here are some of the most important things to remember as you bake with Einkorn:
#1 You can substitute Einkorn flour one-to-one for regular WHOLE WHEAT flour in most recipes (although you may need to reduce the liquid by up to about 15%…more about liquid in #2).
If you have a recipe using regular whole wheat flour, you can probably substitute whole wheat einkorn flour, one-to-one without too much issue. What you do NOT want to do is substitute whole wheat einkorn flour if you have a recipe that calls for all-purpose flour, because that will need some adjustments. It’s not going to be super palatable trying to go one-to-one in that scenario.
#2 Einkorn absorbs liquid slower than other flours. As you add the liquid ingredients into your dough, give it a little bit of time to absorb. Einkorn absorbs liquid more slowly and might end up needing less liquid than other flours. Also with einkorn doughs, you won’t see that smooth elastic dough that you’re used to with regular yeast bread recipes. Einkorn doughs are going to be much stickier and wetter and it can be a little bit surprising when you see that for the first time.
#3 Einkorn doughs rise slower than you’re used to (especially if they contain ingredients like eggs, milk, butter).
Over time, I have gotten to know how our climate, altitude, and my ingredients work together. I know that I can usually mix up a batch of normal-flour dough, let it rise in a warm place, and within 45 minutes, it’s ready for the next step. However, einkorn doesn’t work quite like that; it takes a little bit longer and you will want to plan that into your schedule.
#4 You should also not expect your einkorn doughs to rise as high as you would a traditional wheat dough. A good rule of thumb is to let it rise by about half and call it good, because it’s not going to be that giant puffy rise that you’re used to from a traditional wheat dough.
EXTRA TIP: If you are just getting your first bag of einkorn flour and you’re a little bit nervous about using it, I would highly recommend starting with some non-yeast Einkorn recipes.
Start with something that doesn’t have to rise and doesn’t need a lot of gluten development: make something like einkorn cookies or einkorn quick bread. Making these will give you some experience using the flour. It will help you see how Einkorn absorbs liquids and help you start to figure out their rise times.
A great example of an einkorn yeast dough that I always think of is einkorn cinnamon rolls. This recipe is included in my heritage cooking crash course, which is my cooking course to help you learn heritage and old-fashioned cooking techniques that won’t take all of your time. If you watch the Heritage Cooking Crash Course video for my Einkorn Cinnamon Rolls recipe, you can see right on camera that the dough does not get as puffy or full as your traditional cinnamon rolls do.
I have also noticed that there isn’t a lot of change from when I start the rise to when I finished the rise with my Einkorn Cinnamon Rolls. Once I have baked them, they definitely puff up, but the cinnamon rolls themselves are just a little more compact. It doesn’t affect the flavor at all; the cinnamon rolls are fantastic, and people love eating them. I have made them for guests, and they get rave reviews, but if you’re expecting that giant puffy, fluffy cinnamon roll, you’re going to be a little disappointed.
You simply have to accept einkorn for what it is, and don’t try to make it be regular wheat. I personally believe that the really extra flavor, extra digestibility, and that gorgeous yellow, rich coloring totally make up for the little bit of extra hassle.
Where to find Einkorn Flour
Einkorn flour isn’t usually sold at your everyday grocery store, so if you are having trouble finding einkorn flour, there are a few places I would suggest getting it online:
- First, you may want to look into websites that sell Jovial einkorn flour. Their einkorn comes directly from the source, and it is a great company and its high quality. Jovial also have einkorn wheat berries that are an excellent option for long-term storage.
- You could also check Thrive Market; they are a membership that offers different healthier food choices that can be shipped right to your door. Thrive Market sells the jovial food brand einkorn all-purpose and whole wheat flours.
- Azure Standard is another excellent source for all-things-einkorn. This is a food co-op that is getting more and more popular, but you’ll have to check their website to see if there is a drop-off location near where you live.
Try Your Hand at Baking with Einkorn Flour!
I cannot wait for you to try einkorn! Once you try your first einkorn recipe, please comment, and post a picture and tag me on Instagram. I would love to celebrate right along with you.
If you are falling in love with the idea of an old-fashioned intentional from-scratch cooking, you will love my Heritage Cooking Crash Course, and The Prairie Homestead Cookbook.
More About From Scratch Cooking:
The Best Beginner Sourdough Bread Recipe
My Versatile Easy Dough Recipe (for rolls, bread, pizza, cinnamon rolls, and more)
Ed Verba says
I had never heard of Einkorn, but my husband, Chuck has. The idea of it being like heirloom or heritage vegetables is accurate. We already have looked at your source to buy some and even to see about growing some. Milling it in small quantities would be the approach we would use for sure. Thanks for this information. Hope you have a great Christmas.
Shelby says
Hi! I was just wondering if you ever ended up growing it? How did it turn out for you? Just curious about trying the same thing 🙂
Wanda says
Do you have some Einkorn recipes on your blog anywhere?
Rosemary says
Can einkorn whole bbwheat flour be mixed with einkorn all purpose to get a less dense texture, and a less strong taste, much as mixing AP white with whole wheat for those who don’t like the density and robust taste of bread made entirely with whole wheat flour? I am assuming einkorn whole wheat will produce a denser stronger tasting bread than all purpose einkorn; I have only begun baking with einkorn, all purpose, but am interested in using the whole wheat variety.
Leslie says
Central Milling (online store) has
a finely ground whole grain Einkorn. Einkorn.com grows and sell the grain and flour.
Cynthia says
I have been baking with einkorn for about three years. I use both all purpose and whole wheat. One of the tricks I use is that I make a levain the night before with my sourdough starter per Jovial Foods recipes. Put 10% of the required flour in the bowl. Pour all of the required boiling water into the bowl. Mix throughly. I put a dinner plate on top to conserve the heat. Let sit until you can put your finger in to test temperature. If you have to take your finger out, it’s too hot for your yeast or starter. This warmed bowl helps your yeast multiply faster and results in a taller loaf. Once cool enough, I add the levain starter to the water and flour mix, stir well and leave for 30 min or until yeast is bubbly. Then I add the remainder of flour, salt. This process is for a sourdough boule that I bake in a 5 qt cast iron dutch oven. The recipe is Carla’s the founder of Jovial Foods and her videos are still on YouTube. I use a kitchen scale for all of my cooking to get the best results. Happy Einkorn baking.
Charlotte Marie Tong says
When you say levain starter, are you referring to yeast?
Lynn says
Interesting grain. Does it taste and is it as heavy as whole wheat flour in baking?
Cris - Prairie Homestead Team says
It has a slightly different taste than normal wheat, it’s hard to describe tastes…a bit more nutty, is all I can come up with. Give it a try and see what you think! As far as heavy, the article states: “Einkorn flour can be more challenging to work with. For example, you’re going to find it doesn’t rise quite as high. The crumb is also a little heavier. That’s not to say you can’t have amazing results with Einkorn, but there is a little bit of a learning curve.” So yes, it is a bit heavy, but you can start by doing half all-purpose flour and half einkorn or perhaps check out some of the bread books in Jill’s book list (https://bookshop.org/shop/theprairiehomestead) to learn a bit more about the science of properly baking bread.
Lynda Johnston says
I want to try einkorn flour in my artisan bread but I have an added challenge of altitude. I’m at 7,000 feet. I usually make a simple flour,water,salt, and yeast bread in my Dutch oven. Will einkorn be extra difficult ( other than what you’ve already mentioned?
Cris - Prairie Homestead Team says
I have no experience with altitude cooking challenges. You could just buy a small einkorn flour package and experiment…the joy of cooking is partly the knowledge you discover on the way. 🙂 Happy cooking!
Bette M says
While I might not have the perfect answer for you, I do have a few suggestions. I lived most of my life at 8,000 ft or higher 10, 250 ft. It can be a real challenge: drier, less dense air affects all cooking, baking & canning. There should be a County Extension Office near you. They have articles you can access either online or by going to the local office. When I moved to 5,000 ft I used their knowledge on how to can fruits & veggies at a lower altitude. Lol. I live in Colorado, and found out many years later that the Colorado State University (CSU) was where much of the recipe testing is done, along with advisors about altitude adaption. Although they say to reduce yeast & sugar and add slightly more water for breads, you might have to add slightly more yeast for Einkorn flours & less(?) water. Good luck!
Elaine Brooks says
Can I use half Einkorn whole wheat flour and half Einkorn all purpose flour to make a loaf of bread?
Cris - Prairie Homestead Team says
Give it a try and let us know how it goes! One of the joys of baking is experimenting. 🙂
Cathy Hamende says
I am currently baking with Einkorn flour for the first time. I decided to use a standard biscotti recipe and compare results! So far the dough was a bit wetter and it spread a bit more in the oven.. As far as rising, yes , it is a tad flatter but I’m sure it will be great for this recipe!
Olivia says
Would einkorn flour work made into a self-rising flour? I’d like to mix self-rising enikorn flour and greek yogurt to make a quick cinnamon roll dough.
Cris - Prairie Homestead Team says
It looks like there are a few ways to do this. Try a google search to find different methods. Jill has never done this, so she doesn’t have a technique to share (at this time).
Maleah says
Hello Olivia,
I was looking for an answer to that same question.
That being said, I’ll be googling for the answer and will post if I find a good one.
I must say that I have another question now after coming across yours.
May I ask for the cinnamon roll dough recipe you mentioned?
Charles says
We do a lot of baking with dark rye flour and just curious if blending rye with Einkorn flour might help it behave better baking. Dark rye flour is also a sticky and thirsty recipe that requires more liquid added. We have never tried Einkorn flour, but just ordered it from Central Milling.
Frances Arthur says
What makes einkorn bread so crumbly?
Julie Henry says
I am very interested in trying this heritage flour and have already found a source, but was curious if anyone has used it for gravies, sauces, breading? We have had to go completely wheat free recently because of the constant inflammatory issues with available modern wheat and I am finding a lot of the alternatives are garbage or have their own “side effects.” Just so you know, you are not supposed to ingest bamboo fiber or cellulose, both of which are basically saw dust, just from different sources, but can cause bowel impaction, necrotic bowel syndrome and worse. xanthium gum is another that can cause major gut issues.
Sophie says
The article talks about how whole wheat Einkorn flour is different to bake with, but I see on the Jovial website that there is all purpose and whole wheat varieties available. If the all purpose (but still Einkorn) is used in baking do adjustments still have to be made and can it be used interchangeably?
Anita says
Hey Sophie! I was wondering the same thing. Wondering if you can substitute AP Einkorn flour for regular AP flour in cookie recipes?? I hope someone gives us an answer!
Dee says
If replacing AP flour with Whole Wheat einkorn do you use more flour but less weight?