Somebody stop me, please…
… next time I attempt to pack so many things into May-September… Please? Anyone? Just smack me and say STOP. 😉
Summertime + gardening + finishing up cookbook edits + getting the new blog design ready (pssst! Do ya like it?) + launching a YouTube channel = Jill might have bit off more than she can chew.
Thank goodness that we’re finally wrapping up most of these (well, except the garden, of course). Â The tricky part is none of it feels like drudgery to me. I love the challenge of creating and building so very much. It pumps me up better than coffee. But what’s that saying about too much of a good thing though? Yeah…
Did you catch that?
I have to yell because YES, I’m about 2 years behind everyone else, but who cares… it’s up and running and we’re posting new videos every Tuesday.
I’ve had many requests for videos over the years, but I just didn’t feel like it was a fit at the time.
But things have shifted. I’m craving more of candid connection with you all. I’ll still write and photograph (I love both of those mediums), but I felt strongly that it was time for y’all to see what life is REALLY like here on The Prairie Homestead: messes, loud kids, weeds, chores, and all.
So here we go, ready or not.
Our channel will be a mix of practical tutorials (kinda like the ones you’ve come to expect here on the blog), but with plenty of candid, everyday glimpses thrown in there too.
I’m already having WAY more fun with video than I thought I would, and I would be forever grateful if you’d hop over and subscribe (that is, if homesteading videos are your thing!)
So far we’ve posted videos on Homemade Fly Spray and also a tour of our unique Raised Bed Garden Boxes. And the latest video? Well, it got a little wild.
One MAD Mama Hen
We were surprised with 3 chicks! I have no idea where this broody hen was sitting, but she made it through 21 days of sitting on her nest and one day showed up in the barnyard with three little babies following her around.
The problem?
She isn’t very nice.Â
I mean, all mamas tend to get a little grouchy when you mess with their babies and I can appreciate that.
But this hen pretty much hates us and will flat out attack anyone that gets too close.
Unfortunately, I don’t think she’s mean enough to take on our GIANT mastiff puppy who likes to eat chicks for snacks, so we needed to move her to a safe space.
Spoiler Alert: She didn’t appreciate our efforts.
You can watch how it all went down here:
If you liked that video and don’t want to miss future ones, you can subscribe right here.Â
Looks like your chick has curled toe. Please don’t wait to treat it. You can make shoes with cardboard and bandaids. There are lots of tutorials online. It worked great for us, our chicken is now completely normal. The sooner you start treating it the better. Best of luck. 🙂
I do enjoy your site. Hopefully someday I can have a garden.
Hi do you sell fresh farm eggs?? And do you sell them daily? Looking for some.
No, we don’t sell eggs. Sorry.
I completely understand about the mad momma hen! I have some free range chickens (no coop whatsoever, roost in a cedar tree) and one of them just hatched out a clutch of 8 babies! Mamma hens get MEAN! Anytime my goat or either of my two dogs or me go anywhere NEAR her and her chicks she fluffs out her feathers and gives me a NASTY look, and if I keep coming after that she will attack me! I have seen her chase off HUGE dogs and send them running away with their tails tucked between their legs! *lol*
As for the hurt baby, I know this is not the orthodox position on that problem with baby chicks, but I have had some like that and it was because they just needed to POOP. They get compacted and then their vent crusts over and for some reason it makes their legs go limp like that. On one of the ones I had I took a warm wet washrag and gently cleared the vent and the chick immediately pooped (a lot) and next day his little leg was fine and he was jumping and hopping around happy and healthy and completely normal. May be worth a try.
Great tips Joseph- thanks!