Confession time:
If I have to choose between a sinfully rich chocolate dessert and a fruit dessert, I usually pick the chocolate.
Scandalous, I know…
It’s not that I don’t enjoy fruit desserts, because I do, (especially my homemade peach pie!), but chocolate will always hold a special place in my heart. Especially when it’s combined with some sort of cream. I mean, can you really compete with that?
The tables may have turned, thanks to this knock-your-socks off pear tart recipe that I recently discovered. It came at the perfect time, considering I had just lugged home a very heavy box of Barlett pears from my latest Bountiful Baskets order.
I absolutely adore pears, and my favorite way to eat them is raw. However, I knew there was no way to eat ’em all before they started going bad, so I had to get creative. It took a concentrated day in the kitchen canning whole pears, making cinnamon pearsauce, and whipping up this tart, but I think I finally have a handle on this pear situation.
This mouth-watering recipe comes straight from the From Scratch cookbook, authored by one of my favorite homesteading bloggers, Shaye, from The Elliott Homestead. Shaye is a girl after my own heart, and I think it’s probably a good thing she lives in Washington and I live in Wyoming, otherwise, we would get into all sorts of trouble…
Rustic Pear Tart with Cream and Spices
You will need:
- 1 1/2 cups finely ground nuts (I used almond flour–although any fine nuts will work)
- 5 tablespoons softened butter
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons sucanat or other granulated sweetener of your choice. (buy it here)
- 5-6 medium pears, peeled and sliced thin
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves (buy it here)
- 1/4 cup sucanat or natural sweetener of choice (honey will work)
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
- 1 cup cream
- 1 egg
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Combine the nuts, butter, salt, and sucanat. Press into a 9″ pan.
(I used a 10″ cast iron skillet for my pear tart, because we all know that cast iron skillets make everything cooler. (I did have to add some extra almond flour/butter to my mix to cover the larger skillet))

Arrange the pears on top of the crust. When I say arrange, I really just mean plop them on top in some fashion. People with more patience than me often arrange the slices in a pretty design, but I’m more of a “get ‘er done” type of girl…
Sprinkle the pears with cinnamon, cloves, the remaining sweetener, and nutmeg.
In a small bowl, combine the cream and egg, then pour over the top of the whole thing. You might have to push the pears around a bit to make sure the cream covers them all. Like this—>
Bake for around 30 minutes, or until the pears are golden brown and the cream mixture is set. Serve warm or cold. I personally like it both ways.
And that, my friends, is how you turn the humble pear into a dessert that seriously rivals chocolate.
Now Let’s Do Some Math:
Let’s say you wanted to buy the amazing cookbook this recipe came from. And really, why wouldn’t you? My favorite cookbooks are ones with down-to-earth instructions and whole food ingredients I can easily source, and From Scratch passes both those requirements with flying colors.
The eBook version of From Scratch is $9.99. Pretty reasonable, right? Then let’s just say you decided to buy a copy of this amazing guide for keeping backyard chickens (I’m assuming you’d like this one, because you are reading a homesteading blog after all!). It’ll cost you $9.99 as well.
And then let’s say you decide to buy some yogurt starter so you can make my (almost) world-famous yogurt-in-a-mason-jar recipe. That’ll set you back around $12.
Add those three purchases up, and your grand total is over the $30 mark.
But what if I told you that I know of a way to get all three of those items PLUS 70 other eBooks and a bunch of free stuff (like yogurt starters and natural lip balm and some awesome glass straws) for that same $30?
No, I’m not making this up!
The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle is literally a complete library of top-notch healthy living resources. It’s only available til Monday (9/15/14), and then it’s gone, which is why I’m telling you about it now. It comes with over 70 eBooks, several eClasses, and over $200 worth of free bonus gifts (including the free yogurt starter–can you tell I’m excited about that one?!)
But don’t take my word for it, you can check it out yourself HERE.
(And don’t worry–you don’t *have* to read all 70 eBooks! But even if you just read TEN of them and redeem a few of the bonus offers, you’ll still be getting way more than your money’s worth.)
Disclosure: I am an affiliate (and participating author) in this ebook bundle, so if you make a purchase through my link, I get a bit of a commission. Thank you for your support! Read the fine print about this bundle and read the answers to frequently asked questions about the bundle.
Rustic Pear Tart with Cream and Spice

- 1 1/2 cups finely ground nuts (I used almond flour–although any fine nuts will work)
- 5 tablespoons softened butter
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons sucanat or other granulated sweetener of your choice. (like this)
- 5–6 medium pears, peeled and sliced thin
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves (like this)
- 1/4 cup sucanat or natural sweetener of choice (honey will work)
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
- 1 cup cream
- 1 egg
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Combine the nuts, butter, salt, and sucanat. Press into a 9″ pan.
- Arrange the pears on top of the crust. When I say arrange, I really just mean plop them on top in some fashion.
- Sprinkle the pears with cinnamon, cloves, the remaining sweetener, and nutmeg.
- In a small bowl, combine the cream and egg, then pour over the top of the whole thing. You might have to push the pears around a bit to make sure the cream covers them all
- Bake for around 30 minutes, or until the pears are golden brown and the cream mixture is set. Serve warm or cold.
This snow and cold weather has me hitting the kitchen. I’m working on my homemade spaghetti sauce today (finishing flavor touches so I can post it on the the blog) and making a pie too! This looks fabulous, I love pears and warm pear dishes are wonderful for the holidays. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Me too! I’ve been in the kitchen more the past few days than all summer combined! 😉
I usually a bit boring and use mostly apples in my desserts but i’ve been looking to switch things up a little and pears seem like a good place to start since I love eating them. Thanks for the recipe.
Mouthwatering! This recipe looks absolutely delicious. Now that it has started to get chilly, I am ready for the warm desserts. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Wow this looks awesome! It’s gluten free too! Thank you for this. My mom is gluten free and has been feeling a little under the weather lately. This would surely cheer her up! All natural and healthy, gluten free, and it looks tasty! Thank you again!
This was delicious and so simple. Thank you!