Confession time: I used to be completely scared of fermenting stuff. I wanted nothing to do with it. I'm not sure if it was some of the rather unappetizing photos of fermented foods floating around online, or my secret fear that anything I would ferment would taste like dirty socks, but I avoided fermentation for quite a while. Pretty sad, eh? A natural-food-loving-homesteader-person who didn't ferment... Lame. So what ...Continue Reading
Showing all results for: cinnamon
Planning an Orchard for Your Homestead
I must confess... Just saying the word "orchard" makes me green with envy... fruit trees do NOT thrive here in Wyoming. My dreams of a homestead orchard probably aren't going to happen as long as we live here. So, I've invited Angi Schneider, author of The Gardening Notebook, to share her best tips for planning an orchard on the homestead. Fruit trees and bushes are important on the homestead, with minimal effort they can ...Continue Reading
39 Ways to Make Money Homesteading
"Eh... So where does your money come from?" Hands down, this is the question I get the most often... And if people aren't asking it, I can tell they are thinking it. ;) First off, let's clarify a few things: Like I mentioned in my homestead myth-busting post, becoming a modern homesteader doesn't necessarily mean you head for the hills, go completely off-grid, and live off the land entirely. (Although I suppose you could go ...Continue Reading
Eggnog Recipe
As a kid, I was absolutely certain... I was taking my own life into my hands every time I would eat raw cookie dough. My mom did a very thorough job of scaring us silly about the life-threatening dangers of raw eggs. Sad to say, it didn't stop my sister and I from pinching off bits of dough when she wasn't looking... Without fail, I'd get a stomachache an hour or two later (Not from the raw eggs, but rather the raw sugar and ...Continue Reading
DIY Homemade Cough Drops
By Stacy Karen, contributing writer When a sore throat strikes, many of us reach for a throat lozenge to soothe the pain. As you may have noticed, most store-bought throat lozenges or cough drops contain unpleasant ingredients, such as food colorings and preservatives. We don't want these chemicals in our system at the best of times, and most definitely not when we are sick. Thankfully, homemade cough drops are quite simple to make ...Continue Reading