Time and I have always had a complicated relationship. There have been seasons of my life with never enough time, seasons where I had too much time, and seasons where time seemed to expand to fit my to-do list perfectly (I like those seasons the best, by the way). Over the years, I've received bunches of emails asking how I "do it all" as a homeschooling mom of 3, doTERRA leader, blogger, author, homesteader, and horsewoman, among ...Continue Reading
Showing all results for: raised beds
What We Learned by Having Our Garden Soil Tested
My brain is bursting with the possibilities of SPRING on the homestead. The birds have started chirping, there's the faintest green tint to the prairie when you look out across the wide open space, and the air smells alive and fresh after many months of BLAH. Are we done with snow storms? No way. But we're getting closer. I repotted the tomatoes and peppers this week, and they're happily growing under their lights in the basement. ...Continue Reading
How Much to Plant Per Person in the Garden
I'm about to say something very controversial. Sacrilegious, even. Well, at least in homestead circles. Like always, a part of me is stoked for spring. STOKED, I tell you. The seedlings are growing in the basement, and I walk through the dormant garden about once every 3 days dreaming and planning. But a part of me is (gulp) is entirely OK with the fact I have two more months until we're really ready to plant. I heard ...Continue Reading
Where to Buy Heirloom Seeds
"Anyone who thinks gardening begins in the spring and ends in the fall is missing the best part of the whole year; for gardening begins in January with the dream." --Josephine Nuese As I type this, we are in the midst of a good old-fashioned Wyoming ground blizzard, complete with road closures, snow sand-blasting your face when you step out the door, and drifts higher than my knees. We knew it was coming when it dumped nearly ...Continue Reading
Growing Potatoes: The Definitive Guide
I've never met a potato I didn't like. I'd eat them for every meal if I could, and I usually have to force myself to think of alternative side dishes, because in my world, potatoes go with everything. (This may have to do with the fact I grew up in Idaho? I can't help myself.) Therefore, it's only logical they'd be one of my most-favorite things to grow in the garden. I get all-sorts of giddy when I'm pulling pounds and pounds of ...Continue Reading