It happened purely by accident. But somehow, I have seemed to develop quite the reputation for being a "goat girl." I supposed the Goat 101 series is somewhat to blame, although I definitely don't claim to be an expert. It's been awesome to see how many people are interested in home dairying. And like I've said many times, goats are a great way to get started. But I have a confession to make: we drastically downsized our goat herd ...Continue Reading
How We Homestead on One Income (Part Two)
(Read Part One Here) I was completely excited to publish last week's post where I introduced you guys to our frugal homesteading lifestyle. I always enjoy giving my readers a peek into our life, plus I was hoping to be an encouragement to some of those who want to homestead, but aren't quite sure how to get there with their current budget. Little did I know that I would be the one who would be encouraged! As the comments poured ...Continue Reading
How We Homestead on One Income
First off, I think I need to clarify a few things right off the bat... I struggled a bit in titling this post, because it makes it sound like homesteading has to be an expensive endeavor, and that's not true at all. As I've stated in my Your Custom Homestead eBook, as well as all over this blog, you DO NOT have to move to the country or shell out the big bucks in order to 'homestead.' It can totally be done where you are RIGHT ...Continue Reading
Five Things You Should Know About Goat’s Milk
(Photo Credit) I'm far from being a goat expert, but with the popularity of the Goat 101 series, I do get a lot of goat-related questions. When my blogging buddy Stacy from Stacy Makes Cents asked me to write up a goaty post for her blogging maternity break, I was thrilled to do so! If you are new to the world of goat milk, or are considering adding them to your homestead in the future, you might appreciate my fact-filled post ...Continue Reading
How to Use a Pressure Canner – Part 2
As I lifted my brand new pressure canner out of the box, it reminded me of an alien spaceship with all the gadgets on top... Not to mention the big, thick instruction book... *Gulp* Up until that moment, I had never even seen a pressure canner in person-- let alone watch someone use one. Thankfully, after some careful reading, I realized that the whole process wasn't as near as intimidating as I had originally thought. So, ...Continue Reading