A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post bemoaning my crazy weed problem this year... I posted a few pictures of my garden which is buried under an abnormally thick, healthy, layer of weeds. Anyway, a bunch of you offered many helpful suggestions in the comments and also by email. (Yes, I definitely plan to use mulch next year, by the way...) Several of you also mentioned that, judging by this photo, you thought some of my weeds ...Continue Reading
How to Prepare Your Homestead for Wildfire
Photo Credit I've never, ever thought about fire as much as I have this year... I know that some of you in other parts of the country are dealing with too much moisture and cool temps. But, we are the exact opposite here in our corner of Wyoming. We've had various wildfire raging all over the parts of Wyoming and Colorado that are somewhat close to where we live. As I type, there is a out-of-control wildfire burning in the areas ...Continue Reading
My Weed Nightmare…
It's easy for bloggers to give off the impression that their lives are perfect... Obviously, we get most excited over sharing our successes with you- we run to the computer to write up tips for gardening, and animal care, and home cooking when we find something that works for us. It's not quite as exciting to talk about all the times that things are a big.fat.flop. That doesn't mean that those flops don't occur, it just means that ...Continue Reading
No-Cook Strawberry Freezer Jam Recipe
There are few things better than homemade jam... Especially when you've made it yourself! As much as I love to preserve and can, I always have a small moral crisis when deciding how to preserve fresh fruit. Most jam recipes are super easy and great for a beginner, but they also require you to cook the fruit to oblivion (therefore eliminating a lot of the good stuff in it) and then add cup after cup of white sugar... Not to say ...Continue Reading
Homemade Tortilla Recipe
Tortillas were one of the first things I ever tried making completely from scratch. I made my first attempt back when I was still buying Ramen noodles, margarine, and boxed cereal on a regular basis... In fact, I probably made that first tortilla recipe with a generous slug of canola oil.... Oh how times have changed... I've come a long way since then (like homemade French bread and making a cookbook), and so has ...Continue Reading