Ever since I announced my brand new Homestead Hack feature last week, the ideas have been pouring in! I’ve had a blast looking through all of your brilliant ideas.
What’s a “Homestead Hack?”
Good question. Here is how Wikipedia explains it:
“Life hacking refers to any productivity trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method to increase productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life; in other words, anything that solves an everyday problem in a clever or non-obvious way”
Apply that definition to homesteading, and that, my friends, is a Homestead Hack.
Today’s Homestead Hack is…
A creative homemade tortilla storage idea from Jana’s Apothecary.
Jana writes:
” Do you make homemade tortillas? Around here, we love fresh, warm, soft tortillas, straight from the skillet. We normally make 16 at a time, but where to put them when they’re cool? A plastic bag saved from a batch of store-bought tortillas or a new gallon ZipLoc bag maybe does the job. But those plastic bags are a little small and sometimes its hard to get the bag closed around my wonky shaped tortillas. (I’m not very good with the rolling pin)
I was rummaging in the cupboard and noticed a cake carrier from the 70s or 80s. Do you have one of these kickin’ around?
It occurred to me that this vintage Tupperware cake carrier would make a great tortilla keeper!
Homemade tortillas don’t last more than a day or two around here, so we just leave it on the counter, ready for breakfast burritos, lunchtime quesadillas, or suppertime soft tacos. “
Thanks for sharing your creative re-purposing with us today Jana!
(Looking for a good tortilla recipe? Check out my Soft Homemade Tortillas– they are one of the most popular recipes EVER here on the blog!)
I do have one of those. Neat idea!!!
I love those things! 🙂 I think I have about 4 of them.
I have two of them. You can still buy them (from Tupperware). They are great for other uses such as veggie trays as well, if yours will flip over and has divided sections on the bottom – I do this a lot!
My mom has one on these and I love it !! I use it when taking pumpernickel dip to pot lucks . The bread fits on the bottom and the top can be used to hold all the pieces for dipping.
So I DID read that title correctly! Haha. My mom has one of those cake carriers and uses it ALL the time! I made tortillas from your recipe recently but about 75% of them became chips instead. I used whole wheat flour. Could that be my problem or did I overcook them?
Yes– I’ve had a REALLY hard time getting homemade WW tortillas to stay good past the first day. 🙁 Sometimes you can reheat them, but they are still usually pretty “cardboardy.”