Need an entertaining conversation starter with your non-homesteading friends? Try mentioning that you rendered beef tallow last week....The reactions will likely range from shock, to disgust, to confusion, to blank stares because they have no idea what the heck you are talking about. What is Beef Tallow? Tallow is simply beef fat that has been rendered (cooked down) to remove impurities. Rendered beef or sheep fat is called ...Continue Reading
Showing all results for: cooking through the cow
How to be an Apartment Homesteader
One of my favorite things about the modern homesteading movement is that it is flexible. I use to think that the only way a person could ever be considered a farmer or rancher was to have thousands upon thousands of acres and make a full-time living off of their land. But, definitions are changing... In the past, I've talked about the idea of being a modern-day homesteader, no matter where you may live, and in more recent ...Continue Reading