Looking for ways to be more organized on your homestead? I’ve created four free printable record sheets just for you!
1. The End of the Year Garden Tracker will help you keep track of what you planted from year to year, the variety you grew and what your final yields were.
2. The Egg Production Record will help you take note of how many eggs you are collecting each day, plus how many are broken and how many hens are laying.
3. The Milk Production Sheet records the milk weight and volume to help you monitor the changes in your milk as the seasons change.
4. The Canning Inventory Sheet keeps track of what you can, how much you preserved, and how long it lasted–so you know if you need to put up more or less next year.
How to Get Your Free Printables
1. Click to the Free Printables Tab on The Prairie Homestead Facebook page. You will need to be logged into your Facebook account. (The tab will not be visible on a mobile device, so you’ll need to use a computer for this.)
2. Click “Like” if you aren’t already a fan.
3. Click on the link for the sheet(s) that you wish to download. Feel free to print as many copies as you like, and you are more than welcome to share with your friends!
And How ‘Bout Another Freebie While We’re At It?
1. Become an email subscriber by entering your email address in the form.
2. Activate your subscription by clicking the link in the activation email.
3. Immediately after activating, you’ll receive a free copy of my essential oil eBook!