I don’t believe it.
The day is actually here. And it’s surreal.
After over TWO YEARS of testing recipes, writing, photo shoots, editing, and more editing, The Prairie Homestead Cookbook is out in the world, and it’s already a bestseller in several different categories, even though it just hit shelves today!
This is the cookbook I wished I had when I first began to want to cook like a homesteader. The recipes aren’t overly fancy or complicated, and they call for simple ingredients that you’ll be find no matter how sparse your local grocery store may be.
You’ll find that the vast majority of the recipes feature ingredients you can likely grow yourself or source from local farmers– however– I provide plenty of ideas/options just in case you can’t grow anything yourself, too.
And when you’re ready to take your homesteading to the next level, there’s an entire section in the back of the book that’ll help you learn how to grow your own veggies, herbs, and maybe even dairy.
“I just got the cookbook and flipped through it…I have never seen so much value packed into one book! I’m SO glad I bought it and can’t wait to go crazy using it! Thank you so much for all your hard work to put it together and get it out! I’m pretty confident it will become my hands-down favorite kitchen/farm resource! Been looking for this cookbook for years.” — Rebekah S.
I can’t wait for this baby of mine to go forth into kitchens all over the country and become dog-eared and splattered with flour and gravy. 😉
But this is more than just a cookbook for me– it’s a mission.
To me, from-scratch cooking is a statement. There’s something special that happens when you create. And produce. And learn skills that you previously didn’t know existed. In our push-button, automated world, intentionally choosing to make something with your own two hands proudly proclaims a purposeful choice of quality of life over convenience, and it empowers us in the process. And that’s what I love the very most about this homestead life. And why I’m bound-and-determined to share it with the world.
And I need your help.
I’ve learned that for a book to make maximum impact, the first few weeks are the most crucial. There are a few ways you can help:
1. Get the book (if you already ordered your copy- THANK YOU!) You can grab it on Amazon or Barnes & Noble, although if you have a local bookstore you love, please support them if you can! CLICK HERE to get a look inside the book and find a retailer.
2. Tell your friends! Share it locally and if you are on social media, please share a pic and post about it there, too. (And don’t forget to tag @theprairiehomestead when you do!)
3. Leave a review if you’re so inclined. Reviews help to signal retailers to share the book more, so if you would be willing to leave a short review on Amazon (verified purchaser reviews are the best), Barnes & Noble, or Goodreads, that would help so much!
I know this online homestead tribe of ours is full of people who choose things that are harder, but better. You crave timeless practices rich with intention and meaning over cheap convenience. And you understand the value slow, old-fashioned practices bring into our very fast, very modern lives.
From the bottom of my heart, thanks for all your support. It means so much. ??
P.S. After you get your copy of the cookbook, don’t forget to take your order/receipt number over to www.homesteadcookbook.com to get instant access to a TON of homestead kitchen bonuses I created to go along with the cookbook!
Wanna hear some behind the scenes of writing a homestead cookbook?
I just received your work of Love – and it’s AMAZING! There’s so much packed into this…great recipes that I can’t wait to try, wonderful pics! What a success this is!!!!!
Thanks Pat!!
All I have to say is WOW. The book is beautiful, photos are amazing. Well made book with thick pages. I was disappointed the Einkorn no-knead sourdough bread recipe was not there.
Thanks! The no-knead sourdough was a part of the course instead. 🙂
Oh my goodness!! I got my cookbook today and it is beautiful. I haven’t even read one recipe but I sure did go through and look at the pictures. Can’t wait to give some if not all recipes a try. Thank you for the hard work it took but I’m all smiles. You did good!
Just ordered the book!! (and downloaded some bonuses while I’m at it 😀 )
Yay! Enjoy!
Thanks – I just got the book yesterday – SO excited!
Congratulations! What an exciting accomplishment.
Thanks Katie!
Just got the book in the mail yesterday and I have already read it from cover to cover. You inspire me. Tonight we are having Wyoming burgers and zesty oven fries.
Congratulations! It looks wonderful.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cookbook! Can’t wait to start cooking – my husband and I have already chosen a few recipes to try out. I kept landing on the Prairie Cream Puffs, that must mean I have to make them. I’m glad that the Butternut Squash Pasta sauce is included! Butternut Squash going into the garden for sure! Thank you for sharing homesteading tips and offering encouragement.
I just received your work of Love – and it’s AWESOME! There’s so much packed into this…great recipes that I can’t wait to try, wonderful pics! What a success this is!!!!! In fact, I’m making your Barn Raising Beans tonight for supper with grilled steak and baked potato.
I just received your cookbook Friday – and it’s AWESOME! There’s so much packed into this…great recipes that I can’t wait to try, wonderful pics! What a success this is!!!!!
Jill, I just received your cookbook, and it is truly amazing- the pictures are gorgeous! I’ve been following your blog since it started, and I was living in Colorado (for almost 40 years). I’m now living in North Carolina near the beach! Getting used to a slower pace of life, making new friends, and trying to make sourdough starter. I just pitched my first batch, after trying for almost 2 weeks. and getting no where. Just a bunch of ‘hooch’ at the surface. I’m starting over. Wish me luck.
This book was a monumental undertaking, and with everything else going on in your life, I’m am sooo inspired! Keep up the great blog! I read your cookbook when I can’t sleep, it makes great reading!! ( And makes me hungry.)
I just bought “The Prairie Homestead Cookbook” for my daughter who will be getting married next month. I was looking for the perfect cookbook for her and when I saw this I knew it was it. She was born & raised in the country and we like the homesteading lifestyle. I’ve also looked through it and you’ve done an AMAZING job! She’ll cherish this for years to come!