I have not had success finding a comment place to send you an email so I hope this will do it
I enjoy your site
I home-educated for 21 years with happy results-all are college grads
Thanks be to God and His mother to whom I prayed a lot!
I am contacting you because I was looking up rabbit repellents and found that your recipe contains oil of clove which I have read is cancer causing. Would you check this out because folks may not wash their vegetables enough to remove the oil? Thank you
Have a happy day MaryLois
I have not had success finding a comment place to send you an email so I hope this will do it
I enjoy your site
I home-educated for 21 years with happy results-all are college grads
Thanks be to God and His mother to whom I prayed a lot!
I am contacting you because I was looking up rabbit repellents and found that your recipe contains oil of clove which I have read is cancer causing. Would you check this out because folks may not wash their vegetables enough to remove the oil? Thank you
Have a happy day MaryLois
I agree