It never ceases to amaze me how I can forget the most obvious details of our homestead from year to year…
When I’m in the thick of a certain season or project, it seems like a no-brainer that I’ll remember every detail, but it never fails that I’ll find myself struggling to remember how many goat babies we had last year or how much we paid for our hay…
In my eBook, Your Custom Homestead, I talk a lot about keeping homesteading binder. It’s a lot like those ever-popular home management binder, just geared more towards your homesteading ventures.
My binder has been a lifesaver for me. I pretty much do a brain dump every time I finish something, and it’s such a relief to have all my notes in one spot.
One of the most helpful aspects of my binder is the gardening section. I can never, ever remember what I bought, planted, or harvested from year to year, so keeping notes in my binder has been vital to prevent me from making the same mistakes over and over again. (Although sometimes I still do…)
At the end of each gardening season, I write down notes about each vegetable that I planted. It’s so handy to whip that page out when I’m ordering seeds the following winter– especially since some of the heirloom varieties have some pretty funky names.
And you can do the same with the Garden Tracker printable I’ve created for you today.
On this printable sheet, you’ll find a space to write down:
- What veggies you planted
- What variety they were
- Yields
- Miscellaneous other notes (Did that plant prefer the shade or sun? Did it need more/less fertilizer?)
This printable .PDF file is entirely FREE.
(You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer in order to download it.)
Feel free to print out as many copies as you like and share it with your friends!
(If you prefer not to use color ink to print this, simply change your printer settings to black and white or greyscale.)
What a great idea! I have a journal with pictures and in which I tape the packages or tags from seeds and plants, but I like your concise version better! Thanks!
What a great idea!!! I’ve already printed this downloadable garden tracker and will use it to jog my memory next spring as I plan my garden again. I have often needed this very thing, but have tried to rely on memory. Much better to have it right in front of me. Thank you so much for making this available. I’ve just pinned this and hope that it will generate interest in your blog as well.
Just found your blog and I am really enjoying reading it.
I have spreadsheets on excel where I record my allotment vegetables varieties, my rotational beds and where plants have grown. I also have a list of my seeds, which I update regualarly and carry round with me. Unfortunately I do buy lots of seeds and this helps me not to buy duplicate packets of seeds and makes me use the seeds I have while they are still viable lol