
How to Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets



  1. First, remove cabinet doors, hinges, and drawers
  2. Next, sand the drawer fronts, doors, and cabinet boxes with 100-grit sandpaper (An electric sander will be your best friend)
  3. Wipe sawdust off with a damp rag
  4. Apply a liquid de-glosser (This coats any leftover polyurethane or finish and makes sure the paint adheres. Some folks just do sanding OR de-glossing– but I did both to be safe)
  5. Apply two coats of quality primer
  6. Let each coat dry completely according to the manufacturer’s directions
  7. Apply 2-3 coats of quality paint
  8. Let each coat dry completely according to the manufacturer’s directions
  9. Optional: spray paint old hinges


After giving everything a couple more days to dry, we re-hung the doors and attached new knobs and drawer pulls.