I've never met a potato I didn't like. I'd eat them for every meal if I could, and I usually have to force myself to think of alternative side dishes, because in my world, potatoes go with everything. (This may have to do with the fact I grew up in Idaho? I can't help myself.) Therefore, it's only logical they'd be one of my most-favorite things to grow in the garden. I get all-sorts of giddy when I'm pulling pounds and ...Continue Reading
Showing all results for: organic pest control spray
How to Make Compost Tea
Since when did poop and water get so complicated? When I began my research on compost teas, I figured it would be a fairly easy subject to tackle … Boy did I ever underestimate that one. It’s no secret that compost is one of the best fertilizers you can possibly add to your garden. And the sky’s the limit when it comes to all the options you have when it comes to different styles of compost piles and the ingredients that you can ...Continue Reading
30 Essential Oil Hacks for Homesteading
WHAAAAT...? That's my response every time I get an email from someone who wants to know why I talk about essential oils on a homesteading blog. Okay, okay... to be fair, there was a time when I didn't get the connection either. I thought essential oils were just expensive little brown bottles surrounded by a bunch of hype. I still use herbs too, but I've found essential oils to be much easier to use as they are more "grab and ...Continue Reading
Homemade Liquid Fence Recipe
What do you say when your 5 year-old hands you a headless rabbit? Yeah, I was tongue-tied too. We were out working in the yard when I pointed out to Prairie Girl that her barn cat was carrying a freshly-caught bunny in its mouth. A split-second later, I heard "Here, Mommy" and turned around to see her holding a decapitated rabbit by it's hind legs. Followed by, "Hang on, I'll get the head too..." I stuttered for a minute ...Continue Reading
How to Fix Tainted Soil
I'm not stranger to dealing with poisoned and tainted soil in my garden. I wish that I could say that tainted and damaged garden soil has only happened to me once, but it's actually happened multiple times... --> The first time was when we accidentally bought contaminated non-organic hay for our Deep Mulch garden method (read more about that story here). --> The next time was when we accidentally tainted our compost pile ...Continue Reading