I have beets coming out of my ears right now, so this is timely information! If you plan to use a water bath canner to preserve your beets, pickling is an important part of the process. (Otherwise, you'll need to use a pressure canner, since beets are a low-acid food.) I love this tutorial from Annie at Montana Homesteader--especially since it doesn't require a bunch of sugar--beets are plenty sweet on their own! My name is Annie ...Continue Reading
Showing all results for: apple vinegar
Natural Homestead Resources
A collection of resources referenced in the Natural Homestead eBook to help you along in your journey to a chemical-free homestead! Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. Feeds & Supplements Azure Standard- carries bulk grains, raw apple cider vinegar, diatomaceous earth, and some chicken feeds. They only ship to certain parts of the USA. Greeley Elevator- Located in Greeley, CO, I was ecstatic to find this ...Continue Reading
121+ Skills for the Modern Homestead
Preserving food? Check. Driving a tractor? Check. Milking a goat? Check. For me, one of the most exciting aspects of modern-homesteading is learning new skills. When I first moved to Wyoming at the tender age of 18, I had an entire mental checklist of all the things I wanted learn and do. And as I've morphed into a modern-day homesteader, that list has grown along with me. There is something so empowering about learning how to do ...Continue Reading
How to Can Dry Beans
For me, one of the keys to cooking real food is to have a pantry stocked with real food 'building blocks' that I have prepared ahead of time. I always have a supply of homemade broth/stock, home-canned tomato sauce, applesauce, pickles, and multiple other items. It makes it easy to put together a real-food meal without spending 6 hours in the kitchen each and every day. I love cooking with dried beans (black beans, red beans, ...Continue Reading
How to Can Homemade Stock or Broth
Lest I give off the impression that I "have it all together," let me assure you that I do not. Case in point? Menu planning. I know menu planning is a great idea. And it saves loads of time. And prevents tons of stress. And makes grocery shopping easier... But in many years of marriage, I have yet to make a meal plan and stick with it for more than about... say... a week. Seriously. And it's not for lack of trying (I talk more ...Continue Reading