There are so many things that I love about cooking with wild game.... It's truly 100% organic It's grass-fed, making it very nutritious It's frugal (if you process the meat yourself) I really enjoy the thrill of the hunt when I go antelope hunting with my hubby. It really is something special to go all the way from harvesting the animal in it's natural habitat, to cutting up the meat, to then serving it in delicious ...Continue Reading
Homestead Decor: DIY Chicken Wire Frame
Life is too short to live in an uncomfortable space. You definitely don't need your house to look like it came out of the pages of a magazine, but I think it's vitally important to surround yourself with things that make you relaxed and happy. And guess what else? You DON'T have to shell out the big bucks to create a warm and welcoming home. Over the last year or so, I have redecorated a large portion of my house, and I've spent very ...Continue Reading
My Homestead Goals: Old and New
Yesterday, I shared my 3 best tips for setting successful goals in your own homestead situation. Today, I wanted to do a quick re-cap of last year's goals. As you can see, not everything always happens quite like we expect, and that's ok! There were several of my 2011 goals that got de-prioritized simply because unexpected projects popped up. You'll find my brand new list of 2012 goals at the bottom of this post. My Old 2011 ...Continue Reading
Gingerbread Waffles
Raise your hand if cold weather gives you an inexplicable urge to spend a ridiculous amount of time in the kitchen making bread products. Me me me! I was trying to cut down on the amount of grains we consumed, and we were doing pretty good. Until recently................... Last week it was extremely cold, and I only spent *just* enough time outside to get the water tanks chopped and the hay fed. I didn't bake much this ...Continue Reading
How to Dehydrate Eggs (or not)
Lest you think that everything I attempt always turns out perfectly (not that you had any reason to actually think that...), allow me to share my adventure into the world of egg dehydration. Since my post on freezing eggs got so much positive feedback, I thought I'd look into some other ways to preserve extra eggs for later. You can pickle them, cover 'em in lard or grease, and even "water glass" them by immersing them ...Continue Reading