Motherhood has really taught me how to mellow out.
And it’s a good thing–especially considering my former uptight, perfectionistic ways.
I have learned how to:
- Have people over without giving the goose poop on the deck a second thought.
- Come to complete acceptance of the fact that there will always be crumbs on my floor.
- Wear my pig-slimed jeans to town with pride.
I’m especially proud of my most recent development: I can now watch the kids mix up ALL the playdough colors, and I don’t even flinch.
Impressive, huh?
Speaking of playdough, I have the perfect homemade playdough recipe to share with you today–I’ve been mixing up batches of this stuff like crazy!
Homemade playdough recipes are a dime-a-dozen, but mine has a secret ingredient: essential oils.
Not only does the addition of essential oils make your homemade playdough smell pretty, but there are many health benefits associated with essential oils as well. As in scientifically-proven-benefit-stuff. So, your kiddos (or grandkiddos) will be getting added benefits as they roll out their playdough snakes, cookies, and shapes.
The best part about this homemade playdough recipe is that it’s very flexible and forgiving (and cheap!)–so don’t hesitate to bring the kids into the kitchen to make it with you!
Basic Homemade Playdough Recipe
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup salt
- 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 1 cup water
- 1.5 tablespoons liquid cooking oil (I used olive oil, since that’s all I had, but anything will work!)
- Food coloring
- 6-8 drops of essential oils of your choice (my favorite essential oils)
In a sauce pan, stir the flour, salt, and cream of tartar together.
Add in the water, cooking oil, and food coloring and mix until smooth.
Turn on the heat to medium-low, and stir until the mixture forms a ball.
Once the mixture has reached playdough-consistency, remove it from the heat and allow it to cool for 3-4 minutes.
Knead in the essential oils of your choice.
Store in an air-tight container. (Storing it in the fridge will make it last even longer!)
Essential Oil Options
- Lime: for uplifting and energizing
- Lemon: for focus and clarity
- Lavender: for calming and promoting restful sleep
- Wild Orange: for uplifting and energizing
- Grapefruit: uplifting and relieves tension
- Peppermint: invigorating and provides mental clarity
You can also create combinations:
- Wild Orange and Peppermint is a popular combo for increased concentration
- Lemon, Wild Orange, and Lime combine for a happy citrus scent
I’ve found that kids are often drawn to the oils they need. Lemon is Prairie Girl’s favorite essential oil, and she requests it constantly. Interestingly enough, focusing is something with which she needs a bit of help. Coincidence? I’m gonna say no. 🙂
- I usually use high-quality ingredients when I cook–but when I make playdough, I just use cheap stuff.
- Why the cream of tartar? It make the texture and volume of the dough a little more pleasing, but if you don’t have it, just omit it.
- I do use regular, cheap food coloring in this recipe. I suppose you could experiment with natural dyes, but I haven’t gone there… yet.
- How long does it last? I’ve had batches that have lasted for months–it depends on how air-tight your container is.
But it doesn’t stop with homemade playdough…
As you know, I use essential oils in my home on a daily basis–this homemade playdough recipe is just the beginning!
Homemade Playdough Recipe

- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup salt
- 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 1 cup water
- 1.5 tablespoons liquid cooking oil (I used olive oil, since that’s all I had, but anything will work!)
- Food coloring
- 6–8 drops of essential oils of your choice (my favorite essential oils)
- In a sauce pan, stir the flour, salt, and cream of tartar together.
- Add in the water, cooking oil, and food coloring and mix until smooth.
- Turn on the heat to medium-low, and stir until the mixture forms a ball.
- Once the mixture has reached playdough-consistency, remove it from the heat and allow it to cool for 3-4 minutes.
- Knead in the essential oils of your choice.
- Store in an air-tight container. (Storing it in the fridge will make it last even longer!)
More Essential Oil Recipes:
- Whipped Body Butter Recipe
- Honey Mint Lip Balm Recipe
- Homemade Bug Bite Relief Sticks
- 15 Ways to Reuse Essential Oil Bottles
- 30 Essential Oil Hacks for Homesteading
lol mixed colors. i don’t worry about a toy under $.99 getting mixed. I also let my kids sand box have water to mold it. most people stress over water in sand box. WHY??? how do you make anything. I spent a lot of time sifting sand when a kid cuase what else do you do. make roads too.
You can also use boiling water instead of “cooking” it on the stovetop.
This is a fabulous idea!! I wonder however if I could use gluten free flour……?
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Hi Sam, unfortunately I’m not able to send out the updates via email. Sorry!
I love this idea, Jill! I actually made a batch of playdough last week so I just kneaded lavender essential oil into the playdough and it worked great! At first when I saw the recipe, I was like “Food dyes in the playdough? Isn’t that bad?”, but then I remembered that I still have a little food dye left over from THOSE days, and also that they aren’t going to be eating the playdough. Thanks for sharing this—it’s a lifesaver!
Making play dough is as much fun (for me) as playing with it! This Easter my daughter took to school chocolate play dough (add cocoa powder to your recipe) in Easter eggs instead of candy. (Smells delicious too. Now they use it to make pretend cakes in their kitchen.) Also adding a little glycerin (if you got some) adds a lite shine. Here’s to happy kids!
I like the glycerin idea–gonna have to try that!
Could the sale be Kosher Salt? That’s all I have at hand.
What a great idea! I made playdough for my own kids and my preschool kids for years, and never thought to use EO’s in them. I guess I’ll need to make some for the kids at church. Thanks for the tip!
Hi. I was making your recipe so that just in case my son, who is 1 1/2 years, were to eat his playdough, it wouldn’t hurt him. Will the essential oils hurt him, if he eats it?
They shouldn’t (since they are in such small quantities), but you can always omit them too.
HI Jill,
Do you know how long the scents last? I would think the citrus oils wouldn’t be very long in this as they tend to flash off fairly quickly in any other setting.
Or does the air tight container and refrigeration help with that?
Curious… Thanks! 🙂
The scent lasts as long as the play dough has lasted for us. Although as the dough is played with and dries out a bit, the intensity of the scent seems to slightly decrease.
Seriously considering making this play dough for my Sunday School class of 7 & 8 year olds, maybe even as Christmas gifts – maybe the Lavender will help their Hyeractive tendencies 😉 . I couldn’t get the link to the free e-book to work
Hey there– send us an email at info(at)theprairiehomestead(dot)come and we’ll make sure you get the ebook!
So I made a batch yesterday, and find that the dough itself has a pungent smell that the essential oil doesn’t cover. I hate the smell of all 4 batches I used (I tried different oils in each). Have you encountered this?
There is a smell to the dough, I suppose, but I get it hasn’t really ever been that noticeable to me? It may be due to the type of cooking oil you used– some smell stronger than others.
Does the food coloring in the play dough stain hands, clothes, carpet, etc at all? Play dough is a messy business at our house and my son uses it indoors in his playroom.
No– I’ve never had staining issues with it.
How long does the awesome affects of the oils last in the play dough? I know you said it last if in a container…but how long does the “mood boosting” or “calming” values of the oils last in the play dough?
Did this with my grandsons today. They had so much fun!
My grandchildren are out of state – and being I am in AK and they are in Iowa – would this be a good mailer for their Christmas? Thank you!
I’m wondering about this also.
Hi Jill!
I love this idea!!
I would like to try a stress ball/playdough ball as a teacher gift. Is there anything different you would suggest? Or do you think the recipe would work fine the way it is?
I considered putting it in a balloon type material but it would make the essential oils.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.